Monday, July 12, 2010

The 4th at the lake!

Karly, Daddy, Grandma, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Grandma, Uncle Grandpa, cousin Nicole, Gary, cousin Alec, and I spent a LOVELY 4 day weekend at the lake of the Ozarks. I have to tell you that I was quite nervous on how she was going to doing, sleeping wise and all, at a new place...not at home. She is quite the routine kinda girl so I thought we were going to be in for it for sure. Little did I know that Karly was going to do AWESOME and act as if she had been there a thousand times. I guess when you are surrounded by ALL of your favorite people that you love, it doesn't matter where you are. She got to go skinny dippin, go on her first tubing ride, ride in the boat (her favorite), watch the fireworks or "stars" from the middle of the lake, eat homemade ice cream, and play, play, play. And boy did she sleep good!! We can't wait till our next trip to the lake! Thanks Aunt Grandma and Uncle Grandpa for a WONDERFUL 4th!
She wasn't too fond of tubing until we picked up a little speed! Then she had fun!
Karly's first boat ride in her NEW princess life jacket!
Watching the "stars" with Aunt Grandma! XOXO