Proud Daddy of 2 BEAUTIFUL girls!

Big sister Karly w/ new baby sister Kynly
Our family of 3 turned into a family of 4 on Thursday, September 16th at approximately 8:19 am. Stephen, Karly and I welcomed Kynly Lynn into the world and she is the sweetest baby ever! She weighed 8lbs. 15oz. and was 20.5 inches long. She now holds the weight record for the grandbabies as well as the hair record. She has the thickest, darkest hair that is so beautiful!Kynly and I are doing WONDERFUL! What a blessing she has been to our lives already. Big sister Karly is taking her time adjusting to the "new life" and giving us quite the run for our money at times. She absolutely ADORES her new little sister, but thinks she must test the boundaries to find out what is really going on. Thank goodness my Mom is here staying the week with us to help keep her busy. So far, Kynly is nursing awesome, sleeping great, and has had a wonderful check-ups at the doctors. They said that they usually want to see newborns back in 2 weeks, but because she is doing and looks so well, they don't need to see her until her 2 month wellness visit!! God is Great and we are loving our healthy babies!! More pictures to come...I will do my best to stay on top of things. No promises though, being a Mommy of 2 is sure to keep me busy!!
Much Love! XOXO