Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Kynly Lynn!

My babies are now BOTH growing up TOO fast!! Kynly was officially "1" on Friday so we as a family and Grandma, took her out to dinner to celebrate. We decided to take her to the same place we took Karly for her 1st bday, Texas Roadhouse, for some good food, dancing, and a picture on the horsey saddle. Kynly LOVED to watch them dance and clap! Karly just LOVES eating their "biscuits" (rolls)!
Needless to say, I have two of the CUTEST cowgirls in town! : )

Then on Saturday, we PARTIED it up with more family and friends at our house!! It was a GREAT time! Kynly's bday theme was zebra print and pink to express the DIVA in her! And believe me, it fits so well! ; ) This year Mommy was just a little too busy to make the cupcakes and cake herself, but I did find the idea! And thanks to a good friend, Melissa, I got her cupcake toppers for FREE! They were all too perfect!

So with the zebra cake topper she went to town! Which I believe is what gave her the energy to last until 10 PM (only about 2 1/2 hours past her regular bed time)! Unlike her big sissa that wouldn't touch her cake with her fingers, Kynly dove right in!

She was quite LESS messy than I thought she would be though!

She started with her fingers...

But then thought maybe a fork would be best!

While the party was going on INside, we had a BOUNCE house party going on OUTside!

Not so much the ideal weather, rainy morning and in the high 60's, but thank goodness for the couple hours of sunshine so people of ALL ages (thought you'd love this one, Hollie) could get their "bounce on"!

Overall, it turned out to be the PERFECT day, for the PERFECT 1 year old, Kynly Lynn!!! Happy Birthday to a very special little lady! You are SO loved by all!XOXO Thanks to ALL the special family and friends that helped us celebrate her day! XOXO