Monday, November 30, 2009

Karly's 1st Birthday Party!

Not sure even where to start with this one...EVERYthing was PERFECT! The company, the food, the LOVE, the gifts, the friends, the family, the pictures, the weather, and the memories that we will always have to share... EVERYthing! Thanks to everyone that came to help us celebrate Karly's first birthday! I can't even believe that she is going to be one year old tomorrow! (Don't tear up now!) I know if Karly could talk, well I guess I should say if you could understand what she was saying because boy does she talk, she would be so thankful for everything that day. Going into it, I thought she would clam-up and be kinda fussy because there was so much going on but I truly couldn't have asked for a better baby! And boy did she soak up all the attention! Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Karly is so blessed to be LOVED by so many people! The pictures say it all! : )

It was too funny to see all the monkey stuff that she got!

Karly on her new SUPER soft rocking cow! She LOVES it!

The "popper" was one of her favs. She thought she was pretty hot stuff walking around with it and showing off!

Rather than diving right in, she decided not too get her hands messy at all! She took each bite using only her mouth, no hands! And after every bite, she waited for everyone to clap and say, YEA!!!! She was a riot! : )

Then Daddy and Mommy leaned in for a bite and she TOTALLY pushed our faces away at the same time! There was no sharing this cake! : )

Not too messy for a first birthday cake! I have a feeling she's going to be ALL girl! And really wouldn't have it any other way! We love you Karly Nicole!


  1. Happy Birthday Karly!! We love you so much!!

  2. Aww! Happy birthday beautiful! Oh my god! She is adorable and her dress looks very pretty. I can’t imagine how time flies. My little baby will also turn one this month, I am so excited for her party. I am looking for event halls for rent for her birthday celebration and will also have a good theme for her day.
